(719) 636-8955

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Third Degree Assault – Definition & Penalties

According to Colorado Revised Statute § 18-3-204, third-degree assault is generally defined as knowingly or recklessly causing bodily injury to another person. You could also be charged with this offense if you negligently, or accidentally, harm someone with a deadly weapon, or harm a first responder.

You can be charged with third-degree assault if you cause a peace officer, firefighter, or emergency medical care or service provider to come into contact with either bodily fluids or hazardous substances with the intent to annoy or harass that person.

Although third-degree assault is a Class 1 misdemeanor, it is also an “extraordinary risk crime,” which means the penalties will be more severe than for an ordinary misdemeanor.

The court will take into consideration the following when deciding on a penalty for third-degree assault:

  • Whether or not the convicted person has a prior criminal record
  • Whether or not the convicted person has prior convictions for assault
  • How severe the assault was and what the surrounding circumstances were

Since third-degree assault is an extraordinarily risky crime, you could face up to two years in county jail.

Second Degree Assault – Definition & Penalties

Under Colorado Revised Statute § 18-3-203, second-degree assault in Colorado is characterized as intentionally or recklessly causing bodily injury to another person using a deadly weapon. Other circumstances that could lead to second-degree assault charges include injuring another person while intentionally trying to hinder the police or drugging someone without their consent.

This is a fourth-degree felony that is punishable by a mandatory term of five years in prison.

First Degree Assault – Definition & Penalties

According to Colorado Revised Statute § 18-3-202, you could be charged with first-degree assault if you, with intent to injure another person, cause serious bodily injury through a deadly weapon, or if you intentionally disfigure, amputate or disable a part of someone else’s body. These charges may also apply if the victim is a protected person.

This is a third-degree felony that is punishable by a mandatory term of ten years in prison.

Don’t Wait To Act! Call Now For A Free Initial Consultation.

If you have been arrested for first, second, or third-degree assault in Colorado, your future could be on the line. Assault is a serious criminal offense that is punishable by years of imprisonment and thousands of dollars in fines, so you will need to hire a seasoned Colorado Springs assault defense attorney with the experience necessary to launch a successful defense for violent crimes. Fortunately, this is exactly what you will find at my firm.

Having formerly worked as a Deputy District Attorney, I know how the other side of the courtroom operates. This could prove to be largely beneficial to your case. I have also represented thousands of criminally accused clients over the last decade, so you can trust that I am well-equipped to provide the aggressive defense that you need.

Sometimes, good people are caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. As a practiced assault defense attorney, I will do everything in my power to protect your rights and minimize the penalties you face. A criminal conviction for assault can have devastating effects on your future, which often extends far beyond jail time. Let my firm provide the skilled legal defense that you need.

Having spent the first part of my career as a felony prosecutor, I am uniquely qualified to represent you against your assault crime charges. I have successfully defended thousands of clients in the past, and I welcome the opportunity to do the same for you.

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